Eposak Eposak is a nonprofit organization that promotes development of sustainable tourism in unique and underdeveloped destinations throughout Venezuela. Its Mission is to transform lives through sustainable tourism.

Eposak’s work is based on delivering “Experiencial Projects”, which are “Projects” to help community development, and “Travel Experiences” to connect tourists with these projects and the positive impact they are having on these communities.

Eposak carefully selects the communities it works with based on their tourism development potential, and on the community’s ability to get organized and be willing to embrace tourism as a development model. Eposak also the Sustainability criteria suggested by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).


Values: Tireless warriors - Thrilled to get others thrilled – Eternally optimistic - Proud of what we do - Entrepreneurial spirit


Making Sustainable Tourism a life style.


Our gold is to connect a tourist committed community and local entrepreneurs, with the development of sustainable tourism as a life alternative on the most extraordinary destinations in Latin American.


Commitment – Trust – Pasion – Joy – Respect.